Work Rehabilitation
“Work Rehabilitation” is a physical therapy program for employees who have injuries due to trauma or overuse during their work. The objective of this program is to help you return back to work. It includes 2-6 weeks of therapy.
Work rehabilitation uses conditioning tasks for gradual improvement of injured workers. It also improves your all the round function –biomechanical, neuromuscular, cardiovascular , metabolic and psychological function by making you perform a series of real as well as simulated activities. It is a compete goal-oriented “return to work “program which also takes care of issues like productivity, safety and behavior of an individual.
Importance of Work Rehabilitation
The longer the workers are absent from work, more likely they remain off work, so it is very important to intervene this condition. The workers presenting with severe back pain require medical examination and screening for spinal diseases. There may be obstacles to recovery like fear of re-injury associated with work; which have to be identified.
Rehabilitation requires a combination of therapeutic, psychosocial and work-related interventions to address clinical physical social and environment issues. Thus, a comprehensive rehabilitation program should include active exercises, cognitive therapy and vocational elements. Even those who have been absent from work for many months can be successfully rehabilitated with a comprehensive rehabilitation program